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Governance Structure
Corporate governance is essential to guide our operations in a transparent and responsible manner. Our structure is divided as follows:

GENERAL STORCKHOLDERS’ MEETING: elects the members of the Board of Directors; approves accounts; and discusses relevant matters for our business.
BOARD OF DIRECTORS: composed of eight non-executive directors, defines the global strategy, is responsible for approving key policies and appointing members of the Executive Board. The composition seeks to ensure representation from the controlling shareholders, Shell and Cosan, and to include diverse perspectives, with the presence of independent directors and LGBTQIAPN+ members. As a reflection of the diversity on our Board, we obtained the Women on Board (WOB) seal.
ADVISORY COMMITTEES: are essential to enrich the deliberations of the Board of Directors, promoting discussions on specific topics, including a forum dedicated to sustainability.
EXECUTIVE OFFICERS: responsible for the daily management of the business, implements the policies and guidelines established by the Board of Directors.
FISCAL COUNCIL: an independent body from our administration whose responsibility is to oversee the actions of the administrators, provide opinions on the annual management report, and analyze the financial statements.
For more information about governance bodies, please refer to Raízen's Integrated Report.