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The ESG sustention

The governance pillar enables the consistency of ESG criteria and leads the company toward conscious development. Ethics, transparency, and growth are ensured by robust internal management that defines clear processes and monitors market trends and indicators. These guidelines support decision making aimed at business resilience and continuity.

ethics and transparency

Governance, the G in ESG, cannot be dissociated from the continuity of the business and, therefore, from its sustainability.

We are aligned with best market practices, always seeking to evolve in this pillar. Raízen Governance: respecting tradition with a disruptive vision of the future.We inherited from our shareholders—Royal Dutch Shell and Cosan—a corporate governance model based on ethics, transparency, safety, and the generation of results. And we incorporated innovative and pioneering trends into this model.

Our actions are guided by a strategic plan and strong governance

We conducted a materiality process in which we consulted the company's main stakeholders to identify 8 material topics that are relevant to the different characteristics of our business models. They are:

  • Climate Change and Emissions Management
  • Agricultural management and biodiversity
  • Diversity and inclusion
  • Ethics and governance
  • Relationship with communities
  • Sustainable Purchases
  • Human rights and well-being
  • Water Management
Our actions are guided by a strategic plan and strong governance
Based on the topics above, we developed Raízen's Strategic Sustainability Plan with long-term goals and actions, with the involvement of our C-suite. This has enabled a leap in the company's maturity, allowing us to take a more solid position to launch our public commitments for 2030.



The identification and management of possible risks and opportunities for each of our businesses is highly relevant to the company's competitiveness and growth. Our experience in this topic is a reflection of good practices undertaken and improved over decades by our shareholders (Shell and Cosan).

To this end, our Board of Directors relies on a structure of supporting committees, which identify risks and opportunities with a multidisciplinary vision, addressing the topics of finance, audit, compensation, and social and corporate responsibility. 

The audit committee is where the various risk factors of the business are discussed. This is how our methodology for identifying and managing risks and opportunities works: 

Gestão Interna
Planos de ação
Planos de ação
All areas are challenged to identify factors, internal or external, capable of impacting our results and/or the achievement of the company's objectives.
This assessment forms the risk matrix—including climate risks - risk assessment and climate opportunities—which is reviewed annually and aligned to our five-year business plan.  
Once this is defined, action plans are prepared, and resources are allocated for control and mitigation.
Additionally, to avoid the risk of downtime for contingencies, we have a Continuity Plan for Critical Business Processes, which identifies delicate processes to be considered.


The search for best practices, the attention to the transparency of the impact we generate, and the commitment to our sustainable procurement mobilize us to obtain certifications that attest to the distinguishing characteristics of our processes while adding value to our business.


Bonsucro is a voluntary international certification that aims to ensure sustainability in the sugar, ethanol, and bioenergy sector in order to guarantee high economic, environmental, and social criteria across the entire sugarcane and ethanol cultivation process.

We were the first company in the world to be certified according to the Bonsucro standard and the only one to have made a commitment to certify all our industrial plants. 

Currently, 24 of our 35 production units are certified. We reinforce these criteria in our operations and engage our partners in the journey toward sustainability through the ELO Program, encouraging and supporting all players to uphold the best environmental and social practices.

Certified bioenergy parks:

Click to download the Environmental Management Plans (PGA - Planos de Gestão Ambiental) for each bioenergy park!


ISO/IEC - 17025

ISO/IEC - 17025

International standard for standardization of laboratory tests applicable to calibration and testing laboratories, accredited by the National Institute of Metrology, Quality, and Technology (INMETRO).

Certified units: Bonfim



International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC), which ensures compliance with European Union parameters for sustainable production in the Renewable Energy Directive (RED) (EU-RL 2009/28/EC). We hold the certificate for our second-generation ethanol. Certified units: Costa Pinto, Destivale (ISCC Plus).



International certification that ensures production standards in accordance with Jewish food laws (Kashrut).

Certified units: Costa Pinto, São Francisco, Tarumã, Maracaí, Paraguaçu, Barra, Diamante, Univalem, Bonfim, Junqueira, and Caarapó.

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Registration with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency—a requirement for marketing ethanol biofuel in that country. Certified units: Bom Retiro, Costa Pinto, Rafard, Santa Helena, Tarumã, Maracaí, Paraguaçu, Ipaussu, Barra, Diamante, Dois Córregos, Benálcool, Destivale, Univalem, Gasa, Mundial, Bonfim, Serra, Araraquara, and Junqueira.



International certification that ensures production standards in accordance with Islamic food laws (Kashrut). Certified units: Costa Pinto, São Francisco, Tarumã, Maracaí, Paraguaçu, Barra, Univalem, Bonfim, and Caarap.



Food Safety Management System, recognized by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI), based on the requirements of ISO 22000 and ISO/TS 22002-1. Certified units: Tarumã, Maracaí, Paraguaçu, Barra, and Caarapó.

California Air Resources Board (CARB)

California Air Resources Board (CARB)

A regulatory entity in California (USA) that oversees compliance of fuel production and transportation in line with the state's Low Carbon Fuel Standard. Certified units: Costa Pinto, Rafard, Santa Helena, Maracaí, Paraguaçu, Ipaussu, Barra, Benálcool, Univalem, Gasa, Bonfim, Serra, Araraquara, and Junqueira.



Internationally recognized standard that certifies the Quality Management System (QMS), attesting to our ability to provide products and services that meet customer needs and comply with applicable legal and regulatory requirements. Certified units: São Paulo, Piracicaba, Bom Retiro, Costa Pinto, Rafard, Santa Helena, São Francisco, Tarumã, Maracaí, Paraguaçu, Ipaussu, Barra, Diamante, Dois Córregos, Santa Cândida, Paraíso, Benálcool, Destivale, Univalem, Gasa, Mundial, Bonfim, Serra, Tamoio, Araraquara, Junqueira, Caarapó, and Jataí.

Sedex Global

Sedex Global

Platform used to store production and quality information and share and communicate it with our customers. Certified units: Costa Pinto, Tarumã, Maracaí, Barra, and Bonfim.

ISO 14001 - Environmental Management Systems

ISO 14001 - Environmental Management Systems

The internationally recognized and accepted ISO 14001 standard defines the requirements for putting an environmental management system in place. It helps improve business performance by making efficient use of resources and reducing the amount of waste, thus gaining a competitive advantage and the trust of stakeholders. Certified units: distribution terminals and administrative offices.

OHSAS 18001 - Occupational health and safety management system

OHSAS 18001 - Occupational health and safety management system

Standard used for an occupational safety and health management system that helps an organization control its risks and improve its performance in this regard. The standard contains a systematic approach for identifying hazards and eliminating or minimizing the risks of the hazards identified. Certified units: distribution terminals and administrative offices.


Imagem Renovabio

RenovaBio is the Brazilian program to encourage the production of biofuels and is part of a global trend of public policies for decarbonization. The program establishes some operating parameters: sectoral decarbonization targets; individual targets for distributors; individual carbon footprint for producing plants and a market for decarbonization credits (CBios). Raízen is the only player in the market that operates on both fronts of the program. Learn more here.

Awards and recognition

Reduza - Bonsucro awards

Reduza - Bonsucro awards

The ReduZa program, which aims to reduce water withdrawal through innovative reuse technologies, won recognition at the 8th edition of the Bonsucro Inspire Awards 2019. 

Elo - Cepal


The ELO Program, which encourages and supports the continuous improvement of the practices of our sugarcane suppliers, was the subject of a case study in the Repository of Cases on the Big Push for Sustainability in Brazil, developed by the Brazilian office of the UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC).

Programs and forums

It is important to us to be part of the main sustainability forums in order to be up to date with trends and to actively act in the construction of increasingly responsible businesses that generate positive impacts.

  • Rede ACV

    The purpose of the Brazilian Business Network for Life Cycle Assessment is to create a cooperative environment for the use of the LCA tool [hiperlink para mudanças climáticas - avaliação de ciclo de vida] in Brazil. We are part of this network so we can stay informed about the best practices in the market.

  • CDP Benchmark Club

    The CDP is a financial sector initiative that has become the leading international database focusing on climate change, water, and forests. The goal is to understand the evolution of companies and cities relative to these topics. The CDP Benchmark Club is a premium membership-based program with tools to help us identify even more opportunities for improvement and transparency. 

  • CDP Supply Chain

    The CDP Supply Chain program has a collaborative approach that contributes to the sustainable development of the value chain. The program encourages organizations to engage their suppliers with a focus on analyzing the risks and opportunities associated with climate change and the management of greenhouse gas emissions.

  • ABBI

    We are full members of the Brazilian Association of Bioinnovation, and our goal is to participate at the forefront of the industry’s sustainable future in Brazil and worldwide.


    Entity representing the main sugar, ethanol, and bioelectricity producing units in the Mid-South region of Brazil. We work together with UNICA to develop the competitiveness of the Brazilian sugar, ethanol, and bioenergy sector.

Responsibility for the supply chain

Our sustainability journey goes beyond our gates. We understand that we can and should act outside our borders, encouraging best practices throughout the supply chain. 

Sugar cane

We work in partnership with our third-party suppliers, building a broad and sustainable mindset by supporting continuous improvement. 

We rely on an integrated platform for risk reduction and value creation, and we have sustainability programs in place which, regardless of the origin of the raw material, cover more than 90% of the sugarcane that supplies all of our operations. These programs are the Bonsucro certification and the ELO program.



Approximately 50% of the sugarcane we crush comes from suppliers. For this reason, we need to promote and engage our partners in initiatives related to economic sustainability, environmental responsibility, and respect for human and labor rights. 

This is the proposal of ELO, a pioneer program that is unique in the world. It is aligned with the Bonsucro certification, which seeks to support the continuous improvement of sugarcane suppliers and promote sustainable development. The program is responsible, influential in the agricultural environment, and above all, transformative.

Currently, more than 97% of the volume of sugarcane is acquired from suppliers that are already part of the program. Click here.

Sustainable procurement & assurance of supply

Sustainable procurement is a material topic for all of our businesses: ethanol, sugar, fuel distribution, and bioenergy.

This is because ESG and sustainability are directly linked to the supply chain: 

Sustainable procurement & assurance of supply
Sustainable procurement & assurance of supply


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    to be a reference in the market as an area of excellence in supply chains

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    stablish sustainable relationships with suppliers that create value for the business, respecting society and the environment

To achieve this, we rely on robust management throughout our supply chain, with well-defined policies that establish social and environmental criteria to be followed by our suppliers and with continuous assessment and monitoring. 

We work to mitigate risks:

Our actions

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    Supplier Relationship Management

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    Parceiro Raiz Award

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    Sustainable Procurement Forum

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    ESG Activation Week in Procurement

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    Respect Week

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    Immersion in sustainability with training of 100% of the team