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The Foundation
We are a non-profit Civil Society Organization of Public Interest (OSCIP), which emerged with the goal of to expand opportunities for children and youth in the towns where Raízen operates. Through educational projects, we invest in the development of our future citizens to see them leading their own paths and propelling a better country.
Our Story
Our story begins in 2002, initially as the Cosan Foundation (Fundação Cosan), with the goal of to get closer to the community and its demands, as well as giving perspective and focus on the company's social investment. We were born in the city of Piracicaba, in São Paulo, Brazil, with the initial idea of offering courses to the employees' children. Over time, we identified other needs in the communities around us and created other projects and expanded the centers to more cities. It was in 2012, with the merging of Cosan and Shell, that we became the Raízen Foundation. The name has changed, but the purpose has not and we continue to expand opportunities for children and youth. Check out the milestones of our journey: